Placenta Medicina

Ingesting the placenta after the birth of a baby has been around for thousands of years. I was trained using the Traditional Chinese Method (TCM) where I thoroughly clean, steam, dry, and encapsulate your placenta. Consuming the placenta is known for postpartum healing, rebalancing the birth person hormonally, and aid with breastfeeding. 

Benefits of Placenta Pills:

  • Involution of the uterus: helps to bring the uterus back to its normal size

  • Ease with postpartum blues

  • Increase milk production 

  • Increase in energy levels

  • Mood stability


The placenta is composed of beneficial hormones, chemicals, iron and proteins. 
These healing substances include:

  • Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone: Contributes to mammary gland development in preparation for lactation; stabilizes postpartum mood; regulates post-birth uterine cramping; decreases depression; normalizes and stimulates libido.

  • Prolactin: Promotes lactation; increases milk supply; enhances the mothering instinct.

  • Oxytocin: Decreases pain and increases bonding in mother and infant; counteracts the production of stress hormones such as Cortisol; greatly reduces postpartum bleeding; enhances the breastfeeding let-down reflex.

  • Placental Opioid-Enhancing Factor (POEF): Stimulates the production of your body’s natural opioids, including endorphins; reduces pain; increases well-being.

  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: Regulates the thyroid gland; boosts energy and supports recovery from stressful events.

  • Corticotropin Releasing Hormone (CRH): Low levels of CRH are implicated in postpartum depression. Regulation of CRH helps prevent depression.

  • Cortisone: Reduces inflammation and swelling; promotes healing.

  • Interferon: Triggers the protective defenses of the immune system to fight infection.

  • Prostaglandins: Regulates contractions in the uterus after birth; helps uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size. Anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Iron: Replenishes maternal iron stores to combat anemia, a common postpartum condition. Increases energy; decreases fatigue and depression.

  • Hemoglobin: Oxygen-carrying molecule which provides a boost in energy.

  • Urokinase Inhibiting Factor and Factor XIII: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing.

  • Immunoglobulin G (IgG): Antibody molecules which support the immune system.

  • Human Placental Lactogen (hPL): This hormone has lactogenic and growth-promoting properties; promotes mammary gland growth in preparation for lactation in the mother. It also regulates maternal glucose, protein, and fat levels.


$300 for Encapsulation of placenta, includes umbilical cord keepsake, and placenta prints.