More than a Doula

I provide non-judgemental, compassionate support for unmedicated, medicated, and cesarean births. 

My care is evidence-based and aligned with the values, goals, and preferences of each family.

My philosophy is rooted in the spiritual, emotional, and physical aspects of birth.


Labor Sitting

  • This service is different than a doula because I have clinical training.

  • I sit with you and monitor you and the baby to make sure everything is well with the both of you.

  • Once you are 7-8 cm dilated, you will transfer to the birth center or hospital to have your baby.

  • On call from the time of contract paid in full.

  • This service includes one consult prenatally and another one in the postpartum period.

  • Guidance around holistic healing in the postpartum period, including breastfeeding support.


the ultimate package: Birth and Postpartum support 

Tihs Birth and Postpartum package covers from the date you hire me (prenatally) to 6 weeks postpartum. This wrap around care emphasizes the smoothest transition into motherhood. I will support you for 9 hours a week for 6 weeks, including all I offer in the basic birth package. 

If you are interested in fostering the connection between you and your baby and your partner and family, hiring me for your birth and postpartum will ease your personal responsibilities, so that your family can focus on getting to know your baby and healing. This package includes, but not limited to, foods specific for your recovery, clean up, processing your birth story, and closing ritual. Also includes placenta encapsulation. 

To set up a time to talk or if you have questions, click here or please e-mail me at

Why Hire Me?

-Known to have shorter labors and fewer complications

-Continuous, ongoing,professional care

-Increases one's own self esteem and feelings of capability

-Less need for Pitocin, forceps, or vacuum extraction

-Fewer requests for pain medication

-Lower incidences of cesarean births

-Increases rates of breastfeeding at 6 weeks postpartum

-Increases one's own self esteem and feelings of capability

-Faster healing 

-Extra time to bond with baby


*I offer low-fee doula services for families that are in real need, please inquire and I will let you know if I have any more slots available*